About the Privacy Policy
This policy is addressed to the clients and collaborators of CS GROUP – ROMANIA and has the role of informing about the conditions in which the personal data belonging to this category of persons are processed. Through this Policy, CS GROUP – ROMANIA, as “data controller”, complies with the requirements of European REGULATION no. 679 of April 27th 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to personal data processing and the free movement of such data (abbreviated as “GDPR”). We can also provide you with additional information regarding your personal data collection and the situations in which we feel it would be useful to provide relevant and timely information.
Who we are
CS GROUP – ROMANIA S.A. (based in Craiova, 29 Pacii Street, Dolj county, Romania) is a company part of the French group CS. The responsible for the protection of personal data is Elena Tutunaru, phone 0251 412 850, e-mail dpo@c-s.ro.
When we collect personal data
Your personal data is collected when you interact with us, when you send us this data online, when you use our services and products, when you visit our headquarters or participate in an event organized by us. We may also receive personal data through third parties.
When using our site, personal data is not collected.
What type of personal data processing do we perform
Category of personal data | Purpose of processing | Legal basis for processing | Maximum retention period | To whom the data is or may be transmitted |
Personal details (name, address, e-mail, phone) | Delivery of goods and services | Implementation of an agreement between parties | The data will be deleted at the person request, after the termination of all obligations between the parties or longer, if a legitimate provision so requests | N/A |
Personal data may be transmitted under the law, to the competent public authorities.
Any other type of processing of occasional personal data will be communicated to the data subjects.
The transfer of information outside the European Economic Area
If the personal data is transmitted outside of the European Economic Area to an entity that is either part of CS Group, a partner or a vendor in a country with no GDPR compliance issues, your information will be protected under EU rules and regulations through confidentiality policies or mandatory corporate rules.
How we protect your personal data
CS GROUP – ROMANIA implemented technical and administrative measures to ensure information security, in accordance with the applicable laws and this Policy, in order to avoid loss of personal data or its unauthorized access and use. Our staff is subject to a confidentiality obligation and is regularly trained in how to properly manage personal data. In cases where, on our behalf, there are third parties who process such information, such third parties are bound, through agreements, to abide by the same confidentiality obligations.
Why we need you to provide us your personal data
In cases where we ask for your personal data under contractual obligations and the requested data is not provided to us, we are put in the position of not being able to manage our business relationships. In other cases, the provision of the required personal data is optional. However, if you do not provide this personal data, we may be unable to provide you with relevant information about our products and services.
Your rights
The processing of personal data is made in accordance with the provisions of GDPR. According to this regulation, you benefit especially of the following rights: access to your own personal data, their rectification or deletion, restriction of processing or the right to oppose processing, as well as the right of portability of data.
These rights may be limited in certain situations – for instance, when we can demonstrate that there is a legal basis for processing the personal data.
How to file complaints
In the situation where you consider that your rights, provided in GDPR, have been violated, you have the right to file a complaint with the National Supervisory Authority for Personal Data Processing (www.dataprotection.ro).
How you contact us
To request a legal right or file a complaint, please write us at the following address: Craiova, Str. Pacii no. 29, Dolj County to the attention of our Data Protection Officer or by e-mail at dpo@c-s.ro.
Changes to the Privacy Policy
Any changes made to the Privacy Policy will be posted on this page. In case of major changes due to law changes, we will display a feature banner marking them and also publish them on the site. If we consider it necessary, we will announce these changes through other channels, for example via email.