CS GROUP – ROMANIA participated to the EGSE development for the Proximity Electronic Module (PEM) of the Fine Guidance System (FGS) of the Euclid mission (the PEM EGSE is known as PEM Unit Test or PEM-UT). PEM is an electronic module connected to CCD cameras.
CS GROUP – ROMANIA was sub-contractor of Elettra Communications for software development. Prime contractor was Leonardo-ASSD.
Main PEM-UT functions are:
- Feed the PEM (with a COTS PowerSupply)
- TM/TC exchange with PEM via SpaceWire
- Communication with TestMaster for TM/TC (PEM-UT in Slave mode)
- Provide simple MMI to the user for TC parameters setup and display of HK data
- Visualization of acquired data (image frames)
- Data post-processing (statistics, background evaluation, star tracking)